Cloud Hosted Portfolio

This is a self - exercise project I build to host my portfolio.

This project is done to demonstrate my fundemental skills as a cloud engineer.

I built this website using Javascript, HTML, CSS & C# for the CI/CD Pipeline. Project consist of Frontend, Backend with a CI/CD pipeline and a unit test enviroment.

This website runs on a azure blob storage as a static website.
The Visitor Counter on the front page runs as a azure function.
Visitor counter data is located in a cosmosDB database.
Once a visitor opens the page, a function call is made to evoke the azure function to extract and write new visitor counter the database.
Azure CDN was used as the Content Delivery Network.

Updates to the website can be done through the github actions.
Once a update is made through a push request, github action runs to update the content on the blob storage as well as to purge the CDN chache.